Childhood Cancer Blog | Pinky Swear Foundation

Cancer is messy.

Written by Erica Campbell | Aug 29, 2024 9:15:19 PM

Childhood cancer is frightening, relentless, and life-changing.  Family life quickly spirals out of control. When a child gets cancer, life gets messy.  

Life becomes a kitchen countertop filled with prescription drugs, a sibling left waiting in the carpool lane, or a parent who goes days without a shower. Cancer is so messy. 

I talked to a mom who said she threw away her paper planner because the future was so uncertain. Another dad told me about eating ramen noodles for weeks when his son was in the hospital. One family said they almost forgot about their other kids because they were so focused on their son who was in intensive care at the hospital. We hear these stories every day.

On the flip side, everyday life keeps going. The mortgage still needs to be paid, food must be stocked, and the car needs gas. A childhood cancer diagnosis makes these basic needs even more critical. 

Stable housing, food, and transportation are necessary to create a strong safety net and regain control. 

The good news is the solution is actionable and attainable. Direct financial support for kids with cancer and their families ensures that families can focus on what matters most – the health of their child. 

Families can keep the lights on, and the house heated. Freezer meals can be supplemented with fresh produce, healthy snacks, and a treat for their child. A struggling parent can make the 300-mile round trip to the hospital for critical chemotherapy treatment. It means that life gets a little less messy for a few moments.

You can be a part of the solution in making life less messy for a family in a childhood cancer journey. Join me in saying ‘yes!’ to helping every child with cancer and their family. I pinky swear promise your impact will make a difference. 

Want to help? You can start a fundraiser this September and your impact will be DOUBLED thanks to a generous match from E.A. Sween. Make a difference now.