Cancer is Messy

Fundraise for kids with cancer

When a child gets cancer, life gets messy. Fundraise to provide families facing childhood cancer with housing, food, and transportation support.

Fundraise to help TWICE as many families!

Thanks to a generous match from E.A. Sween, every dollar you raise will be DOUBLED up to $25,000. 

How to Participate


Start a Fundraiser

Create your account and customize your page to collect donations.


Set a Goal

How much can you raise? $100? $500? $2,000? Either way, you are helping kids with cancer and their families.


Tell Everyone You Know

Share your fundraiser with friends, family, and colleagues to encourage them to donate.


Get Messy

Get messy to celebrate and thank everyone who donated! Be sure to tag us on social media. Examples below!

Greyson sleeping on side

Why fundraise?

Each day, approximately 47 children will be diagnosed with cancer in the United States. That means nearly twice an hour, another mom or dad will receive the news that no parent ever wants to hear – your child has cancer. This might be your neighbor, your brother or sister, your family friend, or your cashier at the local grocery store. Regardless of when, where, or how it happens, a childhood cancer diagnosis turns a family’s entire world upside down – and things get messy. Cancer gets messy.

It becomes a kitchen countertop filled with a myriad of prescription drugs, a sibling left forgotten and waiting in the carpool lane for a parent who forgot the pick-up time, a meltdown from a parent in the hospital cafeteria because last night’s takeout exploded in the microwave. Cancer is messy. It’s really, really messy.

Despite the uncertainty that accompanies a childhood cancer journey, some things will never change. The mortgage still needs to be paid, food still needs to be stocked, and gas still needs to be put in the tank. In fact, a childhood cancer diagnosis makes these everyday necessities even more critical. You can change that. By fundraising for Pinky Swear Foundation, you provide housing, food, and transportation support for families.

Now for the fun part

Ideas for how to get messy:

A Mess Made Easy

Combine for optimal mess!

Pick a Material:


Shaving Cream





Food Coloring





Pick an Activity:

Slip & Slide

Water Balloon Fight

Make 'snow' angels

Squirt gun battle

Pie in the face

What it looks like to fundraise for Cancer is Messy