Today is World Cancer Day. As a childhood cancer charity that supports families who have received a cancer diagnosis, today we recognize World Cancer Day. You are a part of the community who care about making a difference for those who are experiencing cancer.
World Cancer Day is observed every February 4 to raise awareness about cancer.
World Cancer Day is led by the Union of International Cancer Control (UICC) and they are focusing this year's efforts on the deeply personal impact that cancer has on people.
The campaign intends to showcase real stories with unique perspectives just like we do at Pinky Swear Foundation. Every All-Star family who needs our help has a different story to tell about how their child’s cancer diagnosis impacts their family. They might be united by a childhood cancer diagnosis (a group that no one should have to be a part of), but they are all facing their own unique challenges. That could be length of treatment, the child’s prognosis, distance to the hospital, family dynamics and situations, loss of income, and so much more.
We invite you to spend today reflecting or even reading the stories of our All-Star families and consider what you might be able to do to help.
Of the families we serve who responded to our survey, 98% of them said that receiving a Pinky Swear All-Star Fund payment reduced stress.
Together, we can envision a world where those diagnosed with cancer know they have a cancer support community. Where they know they are not alone.
One All-Star family told us: "Caring for your child as they go through cancer is the most terrifying, exhausting, and overwhelming thing a parent could possibly do. The financial and emotional relief that is experienced when someone comes alongside in support on the journey is invaluable. Your contributions keep families going when it feels otherwise impossible."