Pinky Swear Blog

My First Thought Was: What Did I Do?


There is this very strange feeling of guilt that comes with your child’s cancer diagnosis. As much as everyone tells you that there is nothing you did to make this happen, you still ask the question, “What did I do?”  

Tenzin with ipad in a wagon

Then there are the things you have to put them through that you never imagined putting your child through for the good of their health.   

To navigate this guilt, I am a doer.  I find myself always cleaning, or researching organizations like Pinky Swear where I can get help. As a single mom, I’ve learned to be resourceful, but often it comes at the cost of my own mental health. I find myself up at night worrying about how I will pay for things.  

Gas cards and a couple rent payments might not seem like a lot on the outside, but when you’re in it, it's huge. Thank you for caring about families like mine. Because of your support, I’m not left to just “figure it out” on my own.

Colleen (Tenzin’s Mom) 

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