The Pinky Swear Pack

Join the growing group of students across the country who are raising dollars to support kids with cancer and their families.

What is a Pack?

Pinky Swear Packs are groups of students who gather together to raise awareness and funding for kids with cancer and their families.

Typically, these groups of students are formed on high school and college campuses. Pack members participate in a variety of activities throughout the school year including monthly meetings, fundraisers, letter writing, and more.

Pinky Swear Packs not only make a positive impact on children with cancer and their families, but they also create a close-knit community among the students. 

Visit the Pack HQ

Find everything you need for the school year by visiting The Pack HQ! 

Fundraising Information
Info & Materials

Join The Pack!

Are you interested in registering your school to join The Pinky Swear Pack? Get involved today and start making a difference for kids with cancer and their families!

Simply fill out this Pack interest form to get started!

How to start a Pinky Swear Pack:

Step 1

Register school
Formalize your club as a student organization with your school. Check your school's specific requirements and fill out any necessary forms.

Step 2

Get an advisor
Find a faculty or staff member to be your club advisor.

Step 3

Elect a leader
Choose a leader/president for your group. Supporting roles and responsibilities can also be elected. 

Step 4

Promote your Pack
Use social media, campus bulletin boards, and word of mouth to attract new members.

Step 5

Register members
Have all members register via our website (available August 1) 

Step 6

Create Pack Instagram
Create an Instagram account using "SCHOOL NAME_PSFPACK" as the handle. 

Step 7

Follow us
Follow all of our social channels and start engaging with our content. 

Step 8

Join LinkedIn group
Join the PSF Pack LinkedIn group. Connect with current and alumni Pack members. 

Step 9

Schedule meetings
Set up your meeting schedule.

Step 10

Plan activities
Organize events and activities to support kids with cancer and their families.

Step 11

Submit reports
If required by your school, submit periodic reports on your club's activities and membership.

Step 12

Have fun and make a difference!
Reach out to for questions, suggestions, or assistance at any time! 

Why Pinky Swear Foundation?


of Pinky Swear families self reported living below the Federal Poverty Level.


of Pinky Swear families report that one parent is on leave as a result of their child's cancer diagnosis.


of Pinky Swear families travel two or more hours to their hospital or clinic for treatment and appointments. 

2,835 families supported in 2023.


Orange Envelopes

delivered to families facing childhood cancer.


All-Star Fund Payments

delivered to families facing childhood cancer.


Pantry Recipients

for families facing childhood cancer.

Find a Pack Near You

No Pack on your campus? Start one today!

    “Being a part of Pinky Swear has been an amazing experience! I love being able to make a direct impact on children and their families directly affected by pediatric cancer."
    Nolan Parks
    University of Nebraska
    “My senior year of high school, I was diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma. I understand firsthand how meaningful Pinky Swear’s mission is for families and children. I am excited to be able to continue to give back all the kindness that we received.”
    Tanner Kelm
    Minnesota State University - Mankato
    "I have been involved with the Pinky Swear Foundation since my sophomore year of college and have loved being a part of it ever since! I’m super excited to continue supporting the mission.”
    Melanie Bonell
    Temple University