Odds are, you know someone who has been affected by cancer. We would even say you probably know someone close to you who has had cancer or is currently battling cancer.
When you stop and think about the 15,000 kids diagnosed with cancer each year, it is heartbreaking. It is not fair.
As September begins, you will see yellow ribbons for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month on social media, in grocery stores, or at events in your local community. It can be easy to ignore given the sheer amount of messaging we experience daily.
This September, we encourage you to lean in. Stop and read the sign, stop scrolling on the post to read about a child in your community who has been affected, and follow childhood cancer charities like Pinky Swear Foundation to learn more.
Without awareness, there is no compassion, and without compassion, there is no action.
During Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, we know there are many cancer organizations you can support. After all, the need only keeps rising. Consider supporting Pinky Swear Foundation to help with everyday expenses for families.
Medical bills can be delayed, but rent is due, bills still come, and food is a necessity for families. They need help. Together, we can provide financial support for housing, food, and transportation so families can focus on their child. 
If this resonates with you, our ask this month is to fundraise. It can be a Facebook Fundraiser, in-person bake sale, car wash, or whatever fits your life the best. (We have collected some other ideas here.)
Your impact this month will also go twice as far for families facing childhood cancer. Thanks to a generous match by E.A. Sween, every dollar raised will be matched up to $25,000.
Help us say ‘yes’ to more families so one day, all 15,000 diagnosed each year will have the opportunity to feel the relief of a Pinky Swear Foundation payment.
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